Accounts of the damiergoi


Trismegistos ID: 6107

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, 8.


Upper right angle of a white marble panel with moulding on top and prominent margins all around (0.34; 0.21;0.05).


Inscribed: l. 1 on upper margin; l. 2 ff. in sunk field (0.265; 0.165;0.042).


L.1 0.01-0.013; l. 2 ff. 0.008-0.01; very carefully cut.

Place of Origin



290-280 B.C. (lettering, prosopography)


Found in 1937 at Cyrene : in the Sanctuary of Apollo .

Last recorded Location

Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 2010 in Shahat : Cyrene Museum .

Text constituted from

Transcription from stone (CDL).


Fraser, 1958 , pp. 104-108, n. 2, pl. XII, 2, whence SEG , 18.743. Cf. Dobias-Lalou, 2000 , pp. 202-203, whence SEG , 50.1637; for general bibliography on the accounts of the damiergoi see IGCyr011400.


[Θε]οί. [Δαμιεργέ]ν̣των Ἀνάξιος Ἀρχέτω, Δάμωνος  [c. 8 - 9]ρ̣ω, Καρνηιάδα Φίλωνος, τῶ Ἀπόλλω-[νος ἱαριτεύον]τος Μάγα Φιλίππω, καρποὶ ἐτιμά- 5[θεν]· [πράταν ἑξ]άμηνον· σπυροὶ ἀν : 𐅠 𐅠 Ζ : κριθαὶ ἀν  [c. 11 - 14]Ι, πίσσαι ἀν : 𐅠 𐅝 : τἄλλα ὄσπρια ἀ̣[ν :]  [c. 1 - 4 : κάρφη ἥμερα ἀ]ν̣ : Χ 𐅠 𐅠 𐅠 𐅠 : ἄγρια ἀν : Χ : ἀχύρω[ν ῥῖπος ἀν :]  [c. 1 - 2 : οἴνω? σ]μ̣ιρεὺς ἀν : Χ Χ : σταφὶς [ἀν : ..]  []:  [c. 17 - 19 : σκόρ]δων τάλαντον [ἀν]  [c. 6 - 8] 10  [c. 16 - 18ἀν] : 𐅠 𐅠 𐅝 : κύμινον [ἀν :]  [c. 1 - 4 :] [c. 6 - 9 : σταφυλὰ ψυθία ἔνδος τ]ᾶ̣ς προκλη[σίας ἀν :]  [c. 1 - 4 : μέλ]-[αινα ἀν :]  [c. 1 - 4 : ψυθία ἔξος τᾶς] προκ̣[λησίας ἀν :]  [c. 1 - 4 : μέ-λαινα ἀν : ---]  - - - - - -


8 [οἴνω? σ]μ̣ιρεὺς : Fraser, 1958  [οἴνου σμιρεὺς]

9 [ἀν]  [c. 6 - 8] : Fraser, 1958   [c. 8 - 10]

French translation

Dieux. Etant démiurges Anaxis fils d'Arkhetos, Damôn fils de  [---] , Karnèiadas fils de Philôn, étant prêtre d'Apollon Magas fils de Philippos, les récoltes ont été estimées. Premier semestre: froment, la mesure, 9 drachmes; orge, la mesure, [tant]; pois, la mesure, 6 drachmes; autres légumes, la mesure, [tant; foin cultivé, la mesure ], 32 drachmes; sauvage, la mesure, 20 drachmes; paille, [le filet, tant], [vin?], le smireus, 40 drachmes; raisin sec, la mesure, [tant]; ail, le talent, [tant];  [---] ; cumin, [la mesure, tant; raisin hâtif sous ] garantie, la mesure, [tant; noir, la mesure, tant; hâtif hors] garantie, [la mesure, tant; noir, la mesure, tant];  [---] .

English translation

Gods. Being damiergoi Anaxis son of Archetos, Damon son of  [---] , Karneiadas son of Philon, being priest of Apollo Magas son of Philippos, the crops were estimated. First semester: wheat, per unit, 9 drachmas; barley, per unit, [so much]; peas, per unit, 6 drachmas; other pulse, per unit, [so much; cultivated hay, per unit], 32 drachmas; wild, per unit, 20 drachmas; straw, [per net, so much], [wine?], per smireus, 40 drachmas; raisin, per unit, [so much]; garlic, per talent, [so much];  [---] ; cumin, [per unit, so much; grapes: early, under ] guarantee, per unit, [so much; black, per unit, so much; early without] guarantee, [ per unit, so much; black, per unit, so much];  [---] .

Italian translation

Dèi. Essendo damiurghi Anaxis figlio di Archetos, Damon figlio di  [---] , Karneiadas figlio di Philon, essendo sacerdote di Apollo Magas figlio di Philippos, il raccolto è stato valutato. Primo semestre: frumento, a 9 dracme; orzo, a [tanto]; piselli, a 6 dracme; altri legumi, [a tanto; fieno coltivato, a] 32 dracme; selvatico, a 20 dracme; paglia, [la rete, a tanto], [vino?], a smireus, 40 dracme; uva passa, a [tanto]; aglio, per talento, [a tanto];  [---] ; cumino, [a tanto; uva primaticcia] garantita, [a tanto; nera, a tanto; primaticcia non] garantita, [a tanto; nera, a tanto];  [---] .

Arabic translation

الآلهة. فترة كل من الداميرجوي أناكس بن أرخيتوس ودامون بن [..؟ ..] وكارنيداس بن فيلون وكاهن أبوللو ماجاس بن فيليبوس، قدرت المحاصيل كالتالي: الفصل الأول: القمح، للمقدار الواحد 9 دراخما؛ الشعير، للمقدار الواحد، [قيمة ما]؛ البازلاء للمقدار الواحد 6 دراخما؛ بقوليات أخرى، للمقدار الواحد[قيمة ما؛التبن المزروع، للمقدار الواحد] 32 دراخما؛ التبن المزروع، للمقدار الواحد 20 دراخما؛ القش (الناتج عن درس الحبوب)، [قيمة ما للشبكة الواحدة]؛ [النبيذ؟]، لكل سميريوس 40 دراخما؛ الزبيب، للمقدار الواحد، [قيمة ما]؛ الثوم، للتالنت الواحد، [قيمة ما]؛ [..؟ ..]؛ الكمون، [قيمة ما للمقدار الواحد؛العنب، المبكر مباع] بعقد مسبق للمقدار الواحد [قيمة ما؛الأسود، للمقدار الواحد، قيمة ما؛ المبكر غير مباع [ بعقد مسبق] للمقدار الواحد، قيمة ما؛ الأسود، للمقدار الواحد، قيمة ما] ؛[..؟ ..].


This account seems to be the most ancient one that is divided into semesters, but not inscribed in columns. The only other sure instances for such a layout are IGCyr013700, IGCyr013800 and IGCyr014100, which all show a somewhat later lettering.

At l. 6, as Fraser put it, the word preceding πισσαί might be an adjective relating to it, such as μαλακαί or σκληραί, but its place would be abnormal and there is no parallel in other accounts, so that it is better not to push this forward.

At l. 8, Fraser restored 'wine', as he identified the rare word σμιρεύς, hitherto known only from Hesychius, who mentions it as a unit of measure for wine. Since then, the same unit has been identified by Dobias-Lalou in other accounts for wine and also for oil. So we cannot be quite sure that the missing product here was wine.

Magas, being mentioned as priest, gives a precise lapse of time for the date.

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