Cyrene Museum, 91.
Top left angle of a marble stele with a projecting moulding on top, broken off on all sides except at left (0.11; 0.095;0.185).
Inscribed on front face under the moulding (0.08; 0.095;).
0.007; small serifs, large omicron, non slanting sigma, phi with flattened loop.
Place of Origin
Second half of second century B.C.
Found before 1960 at Cyrene pleiades; HGL : exact findspot unrecorded.
Later recorded Location
Seen by Pugliese Carratelli in 1960 in Shahat : Cyrene Museum .
Last recorded Location
Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1979 at the same place.
Text constituted from
Transcription from stone (CDL).
SECir Oliverio, G., Pugliese-Carratelli, G., Morelli, D., 1961-1962, Supplemento Epigrafico Cirenaico, Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente (ASAA)39-40 (= n.s. 23-24), 219-375 - see in bibliography , 121 (photo).
3 Επ[ιφι?] : SECir Oliverio, G., Pugliese-Carratelli, G., Morelli, D., 1961-1962, Supplemento Epigrafico Cirenaico, Annuario della Scuola Archeologica di Atene e delle Missioni Italiane in Oriente (ASAA)39-40 (= n.s. 23-24), 219-375 - see in bibliography ΕΠ[---]
Prêtre (Untel), le huitième jour du mois [---] déclinant; mois Epiphi, (le tantième). Le premier du mois [---] .
Priest (So-and-so), the 8th of the waning month [---] ; month Epiphi, (such and such day). The first of the month [---] .
Sacerdote (il tale), l'ottavo giorno del mese [---] declinante; mese di Epiphi, (il tal giorno). Il primo del mese [---] .
On behalf of the type of marble and dimensions this might be the upper left part of the block bearing IGCyr062800, IGCyr062810, IGCyr062820, IGCyr062830, IGCyr062840, IGCyr062850; the letter-size and lettering match well the poor rests belonging to IGCyr062800 and would give the heading of the whole dossier, with a date expressed, like at IGCyr011100, in Cyreanean mode and in the two systems of the Lagid administration, i.e. with the Macedonian and Egyptian months; furthermore, this would confirm the impression that this side was the front face of the monument. However, as we had no apportunity to check this relation, we prefer to edit this piece separately.
At line 2, dates are mentioned in the system of three decades: month (i.e. moon) growing, mid month (i.e. moon), waning month (i.e. moon), during which the days are counted backward, so that we have here the 22th or 23rd of a month of viz. 29 or 30 days.
For line 3, instead of a date with the Egyptian month Epiphi, we might also have a heading consisting either of a noun beginning with ἐπ(ι)- or a verb beginning with the same preverb or at a past form with augment. If it is the month-name, the day would follow on the same line and line 4 would begin the text proper, perhaps regulations for a cult, as at IGCyr068210. Nothing is sure because of the fragmentary status.
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