Dedication to Apollo


Trismegistos ID: 738805

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, 126.


Fragment of a white marble panel, broken off on all sides (0.10; 0.20;0.017).


Inscribed in four lines on the face; a taller alpha, cut at the top so lightly that it does not appear on the squeeze, is probably a later graffito and will not be taken into account.


0.012, carefully cut, without serifs; alpha with low bar, slanting sigma.

Place of Origin



Fourth century B.C. (lettering)


Probably found before World War II at Cyrene : plausibly from the Sanctuary of Apollo .

Last recorded Location

Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1979 in Shahat : Cyrene Museum .

Text constituted from

Transcription from stone (CDL).


Not previously published.


(vac.) [---] [ε]υ̣ς ἱερι[τεύοντος? ---]  [---] [ἀπὸ] σκυλα[κίων ---]  [---] [ἐθύθ?]η τῶι Ἀπ[ολλώνι ---]  [---] [δραχμᾶ?]ν Ἀλεξα[νδρείων ---]  (vac.)


French translation

 [---] s étant prêtre,  [---]  [avec les revenus des] chiots  [---]  [le sacrifice a été fait] à Apollon pour une valeur de  [---]  drachmes d'Alexandre.

English translation

 [---] s being priest,  [---]  [from the revenues of the], puppies  [---]  [was/were sacrificed] to Apollo at the value of  [---]  drachmas of Alexander.

Italian translation

 [---] s quando era sacerdote,  [---]  [dai proventi dei] cuccioli  [---]  [il sacrificio è stato fatto] ad Apollo per un valore di  [---]  dracme di Alessandro.

Arabic translation

.[---] فترة الكاهن ، [--- من عائدات بيع]، الجراء [--- كان قد قدم] إلى أبولو بقيمة [---] دراخما من عملة الإسكندر


By lettering and matter, this inscription recalls IGCyr020800 and IGCyr020900, two dedications made 'thanks to the revenues of puppies and birds'. However, only the word for 'puppies' is here preserved and the formulation is more elaborate, as it mentions Apollo as recipient.

Although the non-dialectal epsilon in ἱερι- is surprising at this date, the restoration seems unescapable: with iota as last letter, it can only be a form of the verb 'to be priest', generally used at the participle in a dating formula. Τhe ending -υς, belonging to a name in -ης, allows to restore the usual formula at the genitive case.

L. 2, as puppies were not offered to Apollo, we must infer that we have the same formulation as in the above-mentioned inscriptions, explaining the origin of the money spent for the offering, the word being at the genitive case, with or without ἀπό.

L. 3 before the mention of Apollo, the ending should belong to a passive aorist. Our restoration is exempli gratia .

At l. 4 a personal name would not fit in the construction with the passive verb. An alternative is offered by comparison with IGCyr095150 and IGCyr127500. For the adoption of Alexander's silver drachma, see Laronde, 1987 , p. 240. About Alexander's silver, see Knoepfler, 1997 .

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