Accounts of the damiergoi


Trismegistos ID: 106084

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, 312.


Fragment of a white marble panel, broken off above, below and at right (0.065; 0.12;0.045).


Inscribed on the face, in two columns from line 4 on.


Lines 1-3 0.01; lines 4-8 0.007.

Place of Origin



Between 220 and 180 B.C. (lettering, reign)


Found before 1933 at Cyrene : agora .

Last recorded Location

Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1976 in Shahat : Cyrene Museum .

Text constituted from

Transcription from stone (CDL).


Oliverio, 1932-1933 , pp. 138-139, n. 39 (ph.), whence SEG , 9.40; for general bibliography on the accounts of the damiergoi see IGCyr011400.


- - - - - - Καλ[---]  Χα̣ι[ρ---]  Καρ[πὸς ἐτιμάθη] (vac.)·
column i
πράτας [ἑξαμήνω]· 5 π͡υρ(ῶν) ὁ μ͡έ(διμνος) [---]  κ͡ρ(ιθᾶν) [---]  κυάμ[ων ---]  ἐρεβ[ίνθων ---] . - - - - - -
column ii
[δευτέρας ἑξαμήνω]·  [--- min.4 ---] 


i.5 π͡υρ(ῶν) : Oliverio, 1932-1933  π͡υ(ρῶν)

French translation

[Dieux. Prêtre (un tel), démiurges (un tel, un tel, un tel)]. La récolte a été estimée.

Premier semestre: froment, le médimne [tant]; orge, [tant]; fèves, [tant]; pois chiches, [tant];  [---] .

[Second semestre: ]  [---] .

English translation

[Gods. Priest (So-and-so), damiergoi (So-and-so, So-and-so, So-and-so)]. The crops were estimated.

First semester: wheat, per medimnos [so much]; barley, [so much]; beans, [so much]; chick peas, [so much];  [---] .

[Second semester: ]  [---] .

Italian translation

[Dèi. Sacerdote (il tale), damiurghi (il tale, il tale, il tale)]. Il raccolto è stato valutato.

Primo semestre: grano, per medimno [tanto]; orzo, [tanto]; fave, [tanto]; ceci, [tanto];  [---] .

[Secondo semestre: ]  [---] .

Arabic translation

[الآلهة. الكاهن (فلان وفلان)، الداميرجوي (فلان وفلان وفلان)]، المحاصيل تم تقديرها كالتالي: الفصل الأول: القمح، لكل ميديمنوس [قيمة ما]؛ الشعير، [قيمة ما]. الفول، [قيمة ما]. الحمص، [قيمة ما]. [---]. [الفصل الثاني: ---]


The reduced dimensions of the preserved fragment and the display of the few preserved products allow to consider that this account was organised in two columns, like some others originally dated in the second century B.C. Rosamilia, 2016 has shown that the change from silver standard to bronze standard took place in Cyrenaica about 220 B.C. and he was also able ( Rosamilia, 2017 ) to place this account before 180 B.C., together with IGCyr014000, IGCyr014300 and IGCyr014600. One other common point for this group is the use of the abbreviated form of some products names.

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