Account of the damiergoi


Trismegistos ID: 738597

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, Storeroom of the Italian missions, inv. number unknown.


Fragment of left side of a white marble panel, broken off above, at right and probably re-cut at bottom (see commentary) (0.155; 0.12;depth unknown).


Inscribed on the face, probably in two columns of which only the left one is preserved.


0.007-0.008; non-slanting sigma.

Place of Origin



Probably 160-150 B.C. (lettering, context)


Found by S. Stucchi in 1960 at Cyrene : agora , in the filling under Temple of Asklepios (also called temple E6 or temple of the octagonal bases).

Later recorded Location

Observed by L. Gasperini in 1960 or 1961 in Shahat : in the Storeroom of the Italian missions in the Casa Parisi.

Last recorded Location

Seen by E. Rosamilia in 2012 at the same place.

Text constituted from

Transcription from stone (ER).


Gasperini, 1965 , pp. 268-269 (= Gasperini, 2008 , pp. 39-41); Gasperini, 1967 , p. 169, n. 17 (= Gasperini, 2008 , p. 82); Rosamilia, 2017 , pp. 144-146, 151-152 (ph.). For general bibliography on the accounts of the damiergoi, see at IGCyr011400.


- - - - - - [πράτας ἑξαμήνω σπυρῶν ὁ μέ(διμνος)] [(vac.)]  [c. 1 - 2] [κρ]ι̣θ̣ᾶ̣[ν] [(vac.)]  [c. 1 - 2] κ̣υάμω̣[ν] [(vac. 5?)]  [c. 1 - 2] 5ἐρεβίνθων [(vac. 4?)]  [c. 1 - 2] φακῶν (vac. 7?)  [c. 1 - 2] τὰ ἄλλα ὄσπρια̣  [c. 1 - 2] κυμίνω (vac. 7?)  [c. 1 - 2] ἀμυσγυλᾶν μαλακᾶν̣  [c. 1 - 2] 10σκληρᾶν (vac. 7?) ϡ͡β´ [.]  οἴνω (vac. 3) ὁ̣ σ͡μ(ιρεύς) ϡ͡βφ´ ἐλαίω (vac.)  [c. 1 - 2] - - - - - -


3 Rosamilia, 2017  [κρ]ι̣θ̣ᾶ̣[ν] : Gasperini, 1965  [---]  + ο [---] 

8 Rosamilia, 2017  ὁ̣ σ͡μ(ιρεύς) ϡ͡βφ : Gasperini, 1965  [---] 

9 Rosamilia, 2017  ὁ̣ σ͡μ(ιρεύς) ϡ͡βφ : Gasperini, 1965  [---] 

French translation

 [---]  [Premier semestre: le médimne de froment, tant]; d'orge [tant]; de fèves, [tant]; de pois chiches, [tant]; de lentilles, [tant]; autres légumes, [tant]; de cumin, [tant]; d'amandes à coque tendre, [tant]; (10) à coque dure, 2000 [et plus ??]; le smireus de vin, 2500; d'huile, [tant];  [---] .

English translation

 [---]  [First semestre: one medimnos of wheat, so much]; of barley [so much]; of beans, [so much]; of chick peas, [so much]; of lentils, [so much]; other pulse, [so much]; of cumin, [so much]; of almonds with soft shells, [so much]; (10) with hard shells, 2000 [and more??]; one smireus of wine, 2500; of oil, [so much];  [---] .

Italian translation

 [---]  [Primo semestre: il medimno di grano, tanto]; d'orzo [tanto]; di fagioli, [tanto]; di ceci, [tanto]; di lenticchie, [tanto]; di altri legumi, [tanto]; di cumino, [tanto]; di mandorle a guscio tenero, [tanto]; (10) a guscio duro, 2000 [e più??]; lo smireus di vino, 2500; d'olio, [tanto];  [---] .

Arabic translation

[--- الفصل الأول: ميديمنوس واحد من القمح، قيمة ما]؛ من الشعير [قيمة ما]؛ من الفول، [قيمة ما]؛ من الحمص، [قيمة ما]؛ من العدس، [قيمة ما]؛ بقوليات أخرى، [قيمة ما]؛ من الكمون، [قيمة ما]؛ اللوز ذو القشور اللينة، [قيمة ما]. (10) اللوز ذو القشور الصلبة، 2000 [وأكثر ؟؟]؛ واحد سميريوس من النبيذ، 2500؛ من الزيت، [قيمة ما]. [---].


Gasperini described the stone as preserving part of its lower face; however, it is obvious that the account is not complete; thus either it was continued on another panel or, more plausibly, the stone was re-cut later on.

As pointed by Gasperini, this account is much similar to IGCyr014500, of which the left column is largely lost, but it cannot be joined with it because the two words ἀμυσγυλᾶν μαλακᾶν̣ are here written on one and the same line. However this account belongs to the same series, where the prices are given separately for both semesters and laid out in two columns (IGCyr014000, IGCyr014200, IGCyr014300, IGCyr014400, IGCyr014500 IGCyr014600). We have here only part of the column of the 1st semester. At the time the numerals were written with the alphabetic system. Thanks to Rosamilia's revision of the stone, two prices are now legible. This leads to group it with IGCyr014400 and IGCyr014500. All three of them have very high amounts of prices or crops, which are explained by Rosamilia through the change from silver standard to bronze standard, to be dated after 180 B.C. and for this one more precisely after ca. 163 B.C.

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