Accounts of the damiergoi


Trismegistos ID: 106080

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, 314 (fragm. a); 85 (fragm. b).


Two non adjacents fragments of a white marble panel; fragment a) from top, broken at left, right and below (0.115; 0.11;0.05-0.052); fragment b) from right part, broken above, below and at left (0.285; 0.165;0.05-0.054); both fragments get thicker from right to left.


Inscribed on front face (0.26;).


0.009-0.01; at line 2, the right hasta of nu serves also as hasta for the following kappa.

Place of Origin



Third to second centuries B.C.


Fragment a): found before 1933 at Cyrene : on the agora . Fragment b): found at an unknown date at Cyrene : exact findspot unknown.

Last recorded Location

Seen by C. Dobias-Lalou in 1982 in Shahat : Cyrene Museum .

Text constituted from

Transcription from stones (CDL).


Fragment a): Oliverio, 1932-1933 , p. 137, n. 35, whence SEG , 9.36; fragment b): SECir , 104 from Oliverio's transcription, without illustration, not joined to the former; Dobias-Lalou, 1985 , p. 173 and Chamoux, 1988 , pp. 143-144 (mention of the joint); for general bibliography on the accounts of the damiergoi see IGCyr011400.


fragment a
[Θεοί]. [Ἱαρε]ὺς Πολυ̣[---]  [---]  [Δαμιεργέ]ντων Κα[---]  [---] , [.......] α Καλλιμ[άχω], [---]  [......] [ε]ίδευς. Καρ[ποὶ ἐτιμάθεν]· 5[Πράτα]ς ἑξαμήν[ω]· [(vac.)], [σπυρῶν ὁ μέ]δ(ιμνος) ϛ´, κριθᾶ̣[ν ---]  [---]  ιϛ´ [---]  - - - - - -
fragment b
- - - - - - [ἀμυσγελᾶν μαλ]α̣κᾶν ὁ μ̣[έδ]-[ιμνος] ξδ´, σκληρᾶν  [c. 1 - 2 καρφέων ἡμ]έ̣ρων ἅμαξα ξε´, [ἀγρίων]  [c. 1 - 2], [ἀχ]ύ̣ρων ῥῖπος κ´ (vac.) 5 [.........]  γ Ο + κ´, κρομμύων  [c. 1 - 2], [οἵνω σμιρε]ὺς [..] , [ἐ]λαίω λγ´, ἐλαι-[ᾶν ......] . Δ[ευτέ]ρ̣ας ἑξαμήνω· [......]  ἐλα̣[ίω]  [c. 1 - 2], [ἐλαι]ᾶ̣ν ζ´, φασήλων  [c. 1 - 2], [---] ων ιδ´, ὀρόβων 10  [c. 1 - 2], [---] ω λβ´ - - - - - -


a.4 Καρ[ποὶ ἐτιμάθεν] : Oliverio, 1932-1933  Καρ[πὸς ἐτιμάθη] || [Πράτα]ς ἑξαμήν[ω] : Oliverio, 1932-1933  [Πράτα]ς ἑξαμήνω (δευτέρας ἑξαμήνω) : SEG  [Πράτα]ς ἑξαμήν[ω δευτέρας ἑξαμήνω]

a.6 [σπυρῶν ὁ μέ]δ(ιμνος) ϛ, κριθᾶ̣[ν] : Oliverio, 1932-1933  (σ)πυ(ρῶν) ὁ μέ̣(διμνος?), κριθ[ᾶν]

b.2 ξ´ : SECir  --- (xi mistaken for three horizontal bars by Oliverio or Pugliese)

b.3 ξ´ : SECir  --- (xi mistaken for three horizontal bars by Oliverio or Pugliese)

b.5 (it seems possible that the stone-cutter repeated the preceding item with ῥῖπος)

b.6 [οἵνω σμιρε]ὺς [..] , [ἐ]λαίω λγ´· ἐλαι : SECir  [---] λίω ἀγέλαι

b.8 [......]  ἐλα̣[ίω]  [c. 1 - 2], [ἐλαι]ᾶ̣ν ζ´ : SECir  [---] ΝΖ̣

b.9 [---] ων ιδ´ : SECir  [---] ω̣ν Ρ̣Δ

10 [---] ω λβ´ : SECir  [---]  + ΛΟ̣

French translation

Fragment a. Dieux. Prêtre Poly [---] . Etant démiurges Ka [---]  [fils d'Untel],  [---] as fils de Kallimakhos, [un tel fils de]  [---] eidès. Les récoltes [ont été estimées]. Premier semestre : [froment], le médimne, 6 drachmes ; orge, [tant]; [tel produit] 16 drachmes ;  [---] .

Fragment b.  [---] , amandes à coque tendre, le médimne, 64 drachmes ; à coque dure, [tant]; foin cultivé, la charretée, 65 drachmes ; sauvage, [tant] ; paille, le filet, 20 drachmes ; [tel produit], 20 drachmes ; oignons, [tant] ; vin, le smireus , [tant] ; huile, 33 drachmes ; olives [tant]. Deuxième semestre :  [---] ; huile, [tant] ; olives, 7 drachmes ; doliques, [tant] ;  [---] ; [tel produit], 14 drachmes ; pois chiches, [tant] ; [tel produit] 32 drachmes ; [---] .

English translation

Fragment a. Gods. Priest Poly [---] . Being damiergoi Ka [---]  [son of So-and-so],  [---] as son of Kallimachos, [So-and-so son of]  [---] eides. The crops [ were estimated]. First semester: [wheat], per medimnos, 6 drachmas; barley, [so much]; [such product] 16 drachmas;  [---] .

Fragment b.  [---] , almonds with soft shells, per medimnos, 64 drachmas; with hard shells, [so much]; cultivated hay, per cartload, 65 drachmas; wild, [so much]; straw, per net, 20 drachmas; [such product], 20 drachmas; onions, [so much]; wine, per smireus , [so much]; oil, 33 drachmas; olives [so much]. Second semester:  [---] ; oil, [so much]; olives, 7 drachmas; cowpeas, [so much];  [---] ; [such product], 14 drachmas; chickpeas, [so much]; [such product], 32 drachmas;  [---] .

Italian translation

Frammento a. Dèi. Sacerdote Poly [---] . Essendo damiurghi Ka [---]  [figlio del tale],  [---] as figlio di Kallimachos, [il tale figlio di]  [---] eides. Il raccolto [è stato valutato]. Primo semestre: [frumento], per medimno, 6 dracme; orzo, [tanto]; [il tale prodotto], 16 dracme;  [---] .

Frammento b.  [---] , mandorle a guscio tenero, per medimno, 64 dracme; a guscio duro, [tanto]; fieno coltivato, per carro, 65 dracme; selvatico, [tanto]; paglia, per rete, 20 dracme; [il tale prodotto], 20 dracme; cipolle, [tanto]; vino, per smireus , [tanto] ; olio, 33 dracme; olive, [tanto]. Secondo semestre:  [---] ; olio, [tanto]; olive, 7 dracme; fagioli con l'occhio, [tanto];  [---] ; [il tale prodotto], 14 dracme; ceci, [tanto]; [il tale prodotto], 32 dracme;  [---] .

Arabic translation

الجزء (أ): الآلهة. في فترة الكاهن بولي [---] وكل من الداميرجوي كا [--- بن فلان] و[---] كابن لكاليماخوس و [فلان بن ---] إيديس، المحاصيل [قدرت كالتالي]: الفصل الأول: [القمح]، لكل ميديمنوس، 6 دراخما؛ الشعير، [قيمة ما]. [منتج غير معلوم] 16 دراخما؛ [---]. الجزء (ب): [---]، اللوز ذو القشور الهشة، لكل ميديمنوس، 64 دراخما؛ ذو القشورالصلبة، [قيمة ما]. التبن المزروع، لحمولة العربة، 65 دراخما؛ التبن البري، [قيمة ما]. القش، للشبكة الواحدة، 20 دراخما؛ [منتج غير معلوم]، 20 دراخما؛ البصل، [قيمة ما]؛ النبيذ، لكل سميريوس، [قيمة ما]. الزيت، 33 دراخما؛ الزيتون [قيمة ما]. الفصل الثاني: [---] ؛ الزيت، [قيمة ما]؛ الزيتون، 7 دراخما؛ اللوبيا، [قيمة ما].[---]؛ [منتج غير معلوم]، 14 دراخما. الحمص، [قيمة ما]؛ [منتج غير معلوم]، 32 دراخما. [---].


Direct observation of both stones allowed C. Dobias-Lalou to join both fragments, published separately, the more so that fragment b) was edited only from Oliverio's transcription by Pugliese Carratelli, who did not find the stone. The fragments have no line in common, but it is clear that fragment a) is part of the beginning, whereas fragment b) should be placed lower.

This account had the division into two semesters, which were not inscribed in columns, contra Oliverio and SEG. The same occurs at IGCyr013400, IGCyr013700, IGCyr014100, IGCyr063900. The differences in placement of the restored products related to this point of view are not registered in apparatus.

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