Accounts of the damiergoi


Trismegistos ID: 106081

Source Description


Cyrene Museum, 214 (fragm. b); 262 (fragm. c).


Several fragments of a white marble panel: two adjoining fragments (a and c) found and published together, fragment b published separately, but adjoining a on top; the panel was progressively thicker from upper left to lower right. Fragment a) 0.19; 0.22;0.035; fragment b) 0.09; 0.07;0.04; fragment c) 0.155; 0.23;0.06.


Section A: ll. 1-7 inscribed on the entire width of the stone; section B: ll. 8-29 on two columns (i and ii); section C: ll. 30-32 on the entire width of the stone.



Place of Origin



Between 220 and 180 B.C. (lettering, reign)


All fragments found before 1933 at Cyrene : agora .

Last recorded Location

Fragments b and c seen by C. Dobias-Lalou: b in 1976, c in 1979 in Shahat : Cyrene Museum ; fragment a seems to be lost.

Text constituted from

Transcription from stones and previous editor.


Oliverio, 1932-1933 , p. 137, n. 36, whence SEG , 9.37 and Oliverio, 1932-1933 , pp. 139-141, n. 40, whence SEG , 9.41; joined by Marengo, 1991 , pp. 490-495, n. 1, whence SEG , 41.1691 and Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique , 1992.584; Dobias-Lalou, 2000 , pp. 15-16 and 202-203, whence SEG , 50.1637; Rosamilia, 2016 , pp. 88-92; Rosamilia, 2017 ; Dobias-Lalou, 2017 , pp. 192-194; ; for general bibliography on the accounts of the damiergoi see IGCyr011400.


section A
fragment a+b
|Θε|ο[ί]. |Ἱαρεὺς Ἁγησίσ|τρατος Π[---]  |Δαμιε|ργέντω[ν] (vac.) |Ἀριστίππω Κ[ρ?]|ησίλ̣[α] 5|Θευδώρω [Ε]|ὐ̣βά[τα], |Εὐκλείδα Ε|[.]  λ ι̣[---] . |Καρποὶ ἐτ[ιμάθεν]·
section B
column i
fragment a
πράτας ἐξαμήν[ω]· π͡υρ(ῶν) ὁ μ͡έ(διμνος) 𐅂 (δραχμαί) ε´ 10 κ͡ρ(ιθᾶν) β´ 𐅵 κ͡υ(άμων) ε´ ἐρεβίνθων ε´ φακῶν ζ´ τὰ ἄλλα 15[ὄσπ]ρια γ´ [κυμί]νω ζ´ [ἀμυσγ]ελᾶν [μαλακᾶ]ν ιε´ [σκληρᾶν .]  20[ἐλαίω ὁ] [σ͡μ(ιρεύς) .]  [οἴνω .]  [σύκων τὸ] [τ͡ά(λαντον) .]  [σταφίδος .]  [σκοραδᾶν τὸ] [τ͡ά(λαντον) .]  25[κρομμύων .]  [χόρτω ἡμέρω ἁ ἅμαξα]  [c. 1 - 2] [ἀγρίω]  [c. 1 - 2] [ἀχύρων ἁ ῥῖπος]  [c. 1 - 2]
column ii
fragment c
[δευτέρας ἑξαμήνω]· [π͡υρ(ῶν)] ὁ [μ͡έ(διμνος) 𐅂 (δραχμαί) .]  [κ͡ρ(ιθᾶν) .]  [κ͡υ(άμων) .]  [ἐρεβίνθων .]  [φακῶν .]  [τὰ ἄλλα] ὄ̣σπρια γ´ [κ]υμίνω η´ ἀ̣μυσγελᾶν [μ]αλ<α>κᾶν ιε´ [σκ]ληρᾶν ϛ´ ἐ̣λαίω ὁ σ͡μ(ιρεύς) η´ [ο]ἴνω ζ´ [σ]ύκων τὸ τ͡ά(λαντον) ϛ´ [σ]ταφίδος ζ´ [σ]κοραδᾶν τὸ τ͡ά(λαντον) η´ [κ]ρομμύων δ´ [χ]όρτω ἡμέρω [ἁ] ἅμαξα μ´ ἀγρίω κ´ ἀ̣χύρων ἁ ῥῖπος ι´

section C
30[Τὸ πὰν ἐσιὸ] ν̣ ἐν τῶι ἐνιαυτῶι Ϡ͡δ σλδ´ [ἐξιὸν ἐν τῶι ἐνιαυ]τῶι μ͡α Ϡ͡ζ σδ´ 𐅂 (δραχμά) 𐅵- [Παρόρεγμα δαμιεργ]οῖς 𐅂 (δραχμαί) φ´


1-5 (Lines 1 to 5 from fragment b were joined to fragment a by Marengo)

4 Κ[ρ?]|ησίλ̣[α] : Marengo, 1991  Ἡ̣[γ]ησία̣ : Dobias-Lalou, Bulletin Épigraphique  Κ[λ]ησιά[νακτος?]

6 Ε|[.]  λ ι̣[---]  : Oliverio, 1932-1933  [Δα?]ιλέ[οντος] (taking into account only fragment b) : Marengo, 1991  Ε|[ὐ?]κ̣λ̣ε̣[ίδα?]

a.9 π͡υρ(ῶν) : Oliverio, 1932-1933  π͡υ(ρῶν)

b.8-23 (these lines are now lost)

b.20 Dobias-Lalou, 2000  σ͡μ(ιρεύς) : Oliverio, 1932-1933  μ͡ετ(ρετής)

French translation

Dieux. Prêtre Hagèsistratos fils de P [---] . Etant démiurges Aristippos fils de Krèsilas, Theudôros fils d'Eubatas, Eukleidas fils d'E [---] , les récoltes ont été estimées.

Premier semestre: froment, le médimne, 5 drachmes; orge, 2 drachmes 1/2; fèves, 5 drachmes; pois chiches, 5 drachmes; lentilles, 7 drachmes; autres légumes, 3 drachmes; cumin, 7 drachmes; amandes à coque tendre, 15 drachmes; à coque dure, [tant; huile, le smireus , tant; vin, tant; figues, le talent, tant; raisin sec, tant; ail, le talent, tant; oignons, tant; foin cultivé, la charretée, tant; sauvage, tant; paille, le filet, tant.]

[Second semestre: froment, le médimne, tant; orge, tant; fèves, tant; pois chiches, tant; lentilles, tant; autres] légumes, 3 drachmes; cumin, 8 drachmes; amandes à coque tendre, 15 drachmes; à coque dure, 6 drachmes; huile, le smireus , 8 drachmes; vin, 7 drachmes; figues, le talent, 6 drachmes; raisin sec, 7 drachmes; ail, le talent, 8 drachmes; oignons, 4 drachmes; foin cultivé, la charretée, 40 drachmes; sauvage, 20 drachmes; paille, le filet, 10 drachmes.

Recette totale de l'année: 4234 drachmes. Dépenses totales de l'année: 17 204 drachmes 4 oboles. Rétribution pour les démiurges: 500 drachmes.

English translation

Gods. Priest Hagesistratos son of P [---] . Being damiergoi Aristippos son of Kresilas, Theudoros son of Eubatas, Eukleidas son of E [---] , the crops were estimated.

First semester: wheat, per medimnos, 5 drachmas; barley, 2 drachmas 1/2; beans, 5 drachmas; chick peas, 5 drachmas; lentils, 7 drachmas; other pulse, 3 drachmas; cumin, 7 drachmas; almonds with soft shells, 15 drachmas; with hard shells, [so much; oil, per smireus , so much; wine, so much; figs, per talent, so much; raisin, so much; garlic, per talent, so much; onions, so much; cultivated hay, per cartload, so much; wild, so much; straw, per net, so much.]

[Second semester: wheat, per medimnos, so much; barley, so much; beans, so much; chick peas, so much; lentils, so much; other ] pulse, 3 drachmas; cumin, 8 drachmas; almonds with soft shells, 15 drachmas; with hard shells, 6 drachmas; oil, per smireus , 8 drachmas; wine, 7 drachmas; figs, per talent, 6 drachmas; raisin, 7 drachmas; garlic, per talent, 8 drachmas; onions, 4 drachmas; cultivated hay, per cartload, 40 drachmas; wild, 20 drachmas; straw, per net, 10 drachmas.

Total income of the year: 4234 drachmas. Total expense of the year: 17 204 drachmas 4 obols. Allowance for the damiergoi: 500 drachmas.

Italian translation

Dèi. Sacerdote Hagesistratos figlio di P [---] . Quando erano damiurghi Aristippos figlio di Kresilas, Theudoros figlio di Eubatas, Eukleidas figlio di E [---] , i raccolti sono stati valutati.

Primo semestre: grano, per medimno, 5 dracme; orzo, 2 dracme 1/2; fave, 5 dracme; ceci, 5 dracme; lenticchie, 7 dracme; altri legumi, 3 dracme; cumino, 7 dracme; mandorle a guscio tenero, 15 dracme; a guscio duro, [tanto; olio, per smireus , tanto; vino, tanto; fichi, per talento, tanto; uva passa, anto; aglio, per talento, tanto; cipolle, tanto; fieno coltivato, per carro, tanto; selvatico, tanto; paglia, per rete, tanto.]

[Secondo semestre: grano, per medimno, tanto; orzo, tanto; fave, tanto; ceci, tanto; lenticchie, tanto; altri ] legumi, 3 dracme; cumino, 8 dracme; mandorle a guscio tenero, 15 dracme; a guscio duro, 6 dracme; olio, per smireus , 8 dracme; vino, 7 dracme; fichi, per talento, 6 dracme; uva passa, 7 dracme; aglio, per talento, 8 dracme; cipolle, 4 dracme; fieno coltivato, per carro, 40 dracme; selvatico, 20 dracme; paglia, per rete, 10 dracme.

Entrata totale dell'anno: 4234 dracme. Uscita totale dell'anno: 17 204 dracme 4 oboli. Retribuzione per i damiurghi: 500 dracme.

Arabic translation

الآلهة. فترة الكاهن اجيسيستراتوس بن ب [---] وكل من الداميرغوي أريستيبوس بن كريسيلاس وثيودوروس بن يوباتاس، يوكليداس بن إي [---]، تم تقدير المحاصيل كالتالي: الفصل الأول: القمح، لكل ميديمنوس، 5 دراخما؛ الشعير، ½2 دراخما؛ الفول، 5 دراخما؛ الحمص، 5 دراخما؛ العدس، 7 دراخما؛ بقوليات أخرى، 3 دراخما؛ الكمون، 7 دراخما؛ اللوز ذو القشور الهشة، 15 دراخما؛ ذو القشور الصلبة، [قيمة ما؛ الزيت، لكل سميريوس، قيمة ما؛ والنبيذ، قيمة ما؛ التين، لكل تالنت، قيمة ما؛ الزبيب، قيمة ما. الثوم، لكل تالنت، قيمة ما؛ البصل، قيمة ما؛ التبن المزروع، لكل حمولة عربة، قيمة ما؛ التبن البري، قيمة ما؛ القش (الناتج عن درس الحبوب)، لكل شبكة، قيمة ما. الفصل الثاني: القمح، لكل ميديمنوس، قيمة ما؛ الشعير، قيمة ما؛ الفول، قيمة ما؛ الحمص، قيمة ما؛ العدس، قيمة ما؛ أخرى] بقوليات، 3 دراخما؛ الكمون، 8 دراخما؛ اللوز ذو القشور الهشة، 15 دراخما؛ ذو القشور الهشة الصلبه، 6 دراخما. الزيت، لكل سميريوس، 8 دراخما؛ النبيذ، 7 دراخما؛ التين، لكل تالنت، 6 دراخما؛ الزبيب، 7 دراخما؛ الثوم، لكل تالنت، 8 دراخما؛ البصل، 4 دراخما؛ التبن المزروع، لكل حمولة عربة، 40 دراخما؛ التبن البري، 20 دراخما؛ القش (الناتج عن درس الحبوب)، للشبكة الواحدة، 10 دراخما. إجمالي دخل السنة: 4234 دراخما. مجموع مصروفات السنة: 204 17 دراخما 4 أوبول. تعطى للداميرجوي: 500 دراخما.


Marengo's joining produced the name of the priest and the first letter of his father's name. A second letter may be added from IGCyr095150.

At line 6, Marengo tentatively proposed to restore the father's name as Eukleidas, on the basis of very faint traces of letters seen on the photograph. In fact, the study of the stone does not confirm either her reading nor Oliverio's one. So it seems better to leave the question open.

The layout of lines 8-29 in two columns has allowed to restore the products and measures in column i for ll. 19-29 and in column ii for ll. 8-13, whereas the missing prices, which might have changed from one semester to the other, should not be restored.

This account belongs to the series where all amounts of money are reckoned in drachmas and noted with the alphabetic system. Hence the use of ligatures combining Μ for 10000 and 𐅦 for 1000 with alpha to theta for 1 to 9 above them. This use of the parakuisma is well attested in Cyrenaican inscriptions in the third and second century B.C. and in other regions, as well as on papyri.

E. Rosamilia ( Rosamilia, 2016 ) has shown that the change from silver standard to bronze standard took place in Cyrenaica about 220 B.C. and he was also able ( Rosamilia, 2017 ) to place this account before 180 B.C., together with IGCyr014000, IGCyr014200 and IGCyr014600, which have also in common the use of abbreviated forms for the names of some products. At lines 10 and 31 the glyph 𐅵, otherwise unknown in Cyrenaica has probably the same value as in the papyri: a half drachma. The smaller fraction noted through - at l. 31 should therefore be 1 obol: the Cyrenaean drachma being at the time divided into 6 obols the addition of 3 + 1 would be fitting. See Dobias-Lalou, 2017 against Oliverio's previous theory and for a possible origin of this glyph.

In this account, like in IGCyr014100, there is no 'remainder' and the income is less than the expense. It might be that what is here called 'income' would be net income, thus in fact what older accounts give as 'remainder'.

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